“In 2006, a family friend’s dogs had puppies. They were 3/4 yellow lab, 1/4 golden retriever, and one of them changed our lives forever. On the best and worst days of the last 12.5 years, Athena was by our side without question. She radiated beauty and love, and was wickedly smart. One glance into her eyes and you knew she had you figured out.


It is difficult to describe just how profound this loss is in a few words. All we can hope is that that profoundness exists because her life was so deserving of it. She should have had more time, but we are so proud of the fight she gave against her insidious cancer. We will remember Queen Theen differently – in creeks, chicken, growl towels, chuckers, nose prints, percussive barks, and pink collars. She has truly been ‘that one dog’ in every sense, and we are shattered at her passing.

Athena, you were named after a goddess and you lived up to it every second. Hilarious, adoring, bright, independent, playful, tireless. Our bilu, snoonie, boonoostie, beast, bubba, Theen. We will love you till the end of time and even after.

Athena Rosy Henderson

2.13.06 – 7.28.18”

A.H Ashburn,VA